Lola Background

Friday, December 10, 2010

A little less stressed..

Finals are coming up.
I've been studying tons and tons and tons.
I've been so stressed.

Today I was talking to my mom and she kept mentioning the mail.
She told me that Court had sent me a Christmas card.
She asked if I check my mail box a lot.
She told me to check my mail.
I was so confused as to why she kept bringing up my mail.
I let it be and went to check my mail box.
I first glanced in and there was no card for me.
I looked a little deeper and found a slip that said I had a package waiting for me.
I was so excited!!
I never get anything in the mail-let alone a package!
I sign for the package and notice it is from my parents.
No wonder she kept telling me to check my mail!
My parents are amazing.
They sent me a "Finals Week Survival Kit"
I love them dearly.
This package made my day. 
I could not stop smiling-specially as I read the tender note that was in the package.
My mom sent all my favorite treats.
In the note she said: "We have taken out all the calories so you can eat until your heart is content and you don't even have to feel guilty."
I love them so much.
I am no longer as stressed to for my finals.
Thank you mom and dad!!! You're the best!!!

Inside the package:
Blow pop's
Chocolate Oreo's
Charleston Chew's
Granola bars
Fruit Roll-up's
Fruit by the foot.

1 comment:

  1. Getting things in the mail is the best, especially treats!! Good luck Carl! It will all be over before you know it and you can enjoy your break.
